Information Report – Bengal Swamp Tigers

L.I: To write an information report that informs the reader about the Swamp Tigers

We used our smart searching skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed, we made notes in our own words. We used these notes to help us write our information reports. Information Reports give readers information on a chosen topic by providing them facts.


Swamp Tigers

Swamp Tigers, also known as Panthera Tigris Tigris, are located in the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world. Not many people know that these vicious animals are endangered because as pollution deforestation and city expansion becomes more common, it takes away the natural habitat of animals.

These beasts have vigorous jaws and acuminate incisors, giving them advantages, like being able to shred their prey into pieces. They are Muscular and are Colossal in size, making them able to pounce onto their target. Because of their orange fur and black stripes, they are capable of camouflaging into their environment. A full grown male weighs around 300 kgs, and a fully grown female weighs about 225 kg. Did you know that their height can vary from 2.7 – 3 metres?

The diet of a Swamp Tiger consists of meat only. Making them a Carnivore (solely meat eaters). They are solitary and nocturnal hunters, meaning that they hunt on their own, and at night. Their meals are scarce, which means that they are hard to find. They have adapted to their habitats and have included marine life into their diet. Their meals vary from crabs, reptiles, turtles, deer, wild boar, fish and even humans.

The Bengal Swamp Tiger inhabits the continent of Asia, throughout the border of India and Bangladesh. Sundarbans, where they are located, is a mangrove forest with tidal waves surrounding. Unfortunately, the habitat is being wrecked from deforestation and natural disasters.

Did you know that Swamp Tigers are very territorial? That means that they guard and defend their territory. Because they live around aquatic areas, it enables them to have exceptional swimming skills. Did you know that they can swim up to 8 km?

Surprisingly, these brutal animals are vulnerable and endangered. In the future, we have to think about the effects that city expansion causes. Don’t you think so too?

Swamp Tigers

L.I: To create a multi modal DLO that tells others about Swamp Tigers.

Our challenge was to make an Information Report about Swamp Tigers. To be able to write about it though, we had to do research about Swamp Tigers. We wrote about its Appearance, Diet, Habitat, and its Behaiviour. Did you know that Swamp Tigers can run 40 mph! The Appearance of a Swamp Tiger is useful for camouflaging. Camouflaging is blending in with the surrounding. A Swamp Tiger is a Carnivore, meaning that their diet consists of only meat. Their food is scarce, meaning hard to find. Swamp Tigers are solitary hunters. Solitary means on its own. Did you know that the Habitat of Swamp Tigers is the largest Mangrove forest in the world! It’s located in Sundarbans. Unfortunately, it has had some damage caused to its environment because as humans are expanding cities, they are also taking away the natural habitats of animals. Swamp Tigers are very territorial, meaning that they defend and guard their territory. They are exceptional swimmers, and can swim up to 8km!

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to accept and reject facts, and I learnt how Information Reports are structured.

Moment in Time Planner

L.I: To write a poem that describes as Moment in Time.

To write a Moment in Time Poem, you would need to imagine how you would feel or what you would think if you are in that scenario. To do this, we watched a documentery of a man in a safe looking glass/plastic cube. And a polar bear was trying to attack the man. We wrote this poem and used the words “Show not tell”. We used the senses Auditory, Visual, Tactile and what thoughts would pop up in our head if we were in that situation.

I enjoyed writing this poem because I used a lot of adjectives and used Wordhippo to enhance the vocabulary of my poem.

Sentences Structure

L.I: To explore sentence structure.

All sentences begin with a Capital letters and end with a full stop. Simple sentences include nouns and verbs. A noun is the name of something, or something you can physically touch. An example of a simple sentence could be, “The cat sat on the mat”. The noun would be the cat and mat, and the verb would be sat. A Compound sentence includes two simple sentences that are joined by using conjunction words. Like for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. An example of a Compound sentence would be “The cat sat on the mat and the dog laid beside the mat”. A Complex sentence includes independent clauses and dependent clauses. With a word from AAAWWWUBBIS. From this challenge I can see  that I have a clear understanding of Simple and Compound Sentences. I now know that I need to focus on Complex sentences.

I enjoyed this activity because it taught me what I needed to focus more on.

Simple and compound sentences

L.I: To explore sentence structure.

All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop. A simple sentence includes nouns and verbs. A noun is a name of a thing or something you can physically touch, and a verb is an action or something you can physically do. Compound sentences use two simple sentences and are combined with a conjunction word. For example “I went to the store and bought ice cream”. The conjunction word here is “and”. Here are some examples of conjunction words: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

This activity was interesting because I learnt what conjunction words are and the difference between a simple sentence and a compound sentence. I also learnt how to explain what a noun and what a verb is.

Moment in Time Planner

L.I: To write a poem that describes as moment in time

To write a Moment in Time Poem, you would need to imagine how you would feel or what you would think if you are in that scenario. But we first went up Maungarei to see what we would feel, see, hear, and what our thoughts would be. This DLO is a plan of how our Maungarei Moment in Time Poem would look like. We used senses such as visual, tactile, and auditory, along with thoughts.

I enjoyed making this poem because I learnt information about Maungarei and was able to use it in a poem.

Haiku Poems – Our Whenua

A Haiku Poem is a poem that has an exact number of syllables. The structure of a Haiku poem is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word. When hearing the word Our Whenua, I suddenly think of our Tamaki river. With the calming tides, welcoming wakas. So that’s what we included into our poem.

This activity was definitely entertaining, especially because of the syllables rule, making it a challenge.

Haiku Poem – Fire


The structure of a Haiku poem is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word. We had to choose between Fire, Ice, and Water. We came up with words that related with fire, and used some of them into a verse. With the syllable rule, making this Haiku poem was difficult.

What I liked about writing this haiku poem, is that it gave me a challenge. By having the syllable rule to make it challenging.

Haiku Poem – Maungarei

The structure of a Haiku poem is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word. We got to chose our own Topic so we chose Maungarei. Before writing this poem, we did Moment in Time poems about Maungarei, and we had a trip up Maungarei. So we had plenty of ideas and information. This activity was challenging because it limited the amount of words. But I like having a bit of a challenge.

International Current Events

L.I: To identify the author’s purpose.

For this task, we looked at articles that related to the words we’ve chosen. After reading the paragraph we summarised it into 10 words and made a Google my maps with the summary, link and images included.

This activity was very interesting because I learnt what was happening in the outside world, and it gave me a challange because I had to only use 10 words, limiting the amount of words I use.