Haiku Poems – Our Whenua

A Haiku Poem is a poem that has an exact number of syllables. The structure of a Haiku poem is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word. When hearing the word Our Whenua, I suddenly think of our Tamaki river. With the calming tides, welcoming wakas. So that’s what we included into our poem.

This activity was definitely entertaining, especially because of the syllables rule, making it a challenge.

Haiku Poem – Fire


The structure of a Haiku poem is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word. We had to choose between Fire, Ice, and Water. We came up with words that related with fire, and used some of them into a verse. With the syllable rule, making this Haiku poem was difficult.

What I liked about writing this haiku poem, is that it gave me a challenge. By having the syllable rule to make it challenging.

Haiku Poem – Maungarei

The structure of a Haiku poem is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word. We got to chose our own Topic so we chose Maungarei. Before writing this poem, we did Moment in Time poems about Maungarei, and we had a trip up Maungarei. So we had plenty of ideas and information. This activity was challenging because it limited the amount of words. But I like having a bit of a challenge.

Provocation – Theft of 96 medals

L.I: To evaluate the facts and make an informed opinion.

A Provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Our Provocation for this topic was “Did the punishment fit the crime?”. We did two perspectives, A and B. To get all this information, we had to read articles. And make our opinions and perspectives from the information provided in the article. We thought that the punishment was too easy, especially after stealing 96 precious medals. But to take it to the next level, they decided to return it and take the reward.

What I enjoyed doing was making different opinions depending on which perspective we are writing about.

International Current Events

L.I: To identify the author’s purpose.

For this task, we looked at articles that related to the words we’ve chosen. After reading the paragraph we summarised it into 10 words and made a Google my maps with the summary, link and images included.

This activity was very interesting because I learnt what was happening in the outside world, and it gave me a challange because I had to only use 10 words, limiting the amount of words I use.

Current Events

L.I: To identify the author’s purpose

For this task, we looked at articles that related to the words we’ve chosen. After reading the paragraph we summarised it into 10 words and made a Google my maps with the summary, link and images included.

This activity was interesting because I was able to know what was happening in New Zealand. And making the 10 word summary was enjoyable because it limited the amount of words I had to use.

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