2 words 2 minutes:

Today we did the ‘2 words 2 minute’ challenge to write a paragraph about the ancient olympics, and practice our physical writing. In the ‘2 words 2 minute’ challenge, there are 3 rules. Don’t stress, just guess, write as fast as YOU can, and make sure it makes sense. We were given the words ‘Greece’ and ‘Athletes’. 

We talked about ideas with a partner, then we had 2 minutes to put those ideas into sentences. After the time was up, we had 2 minutes to reread what we had written and make changes if anything didn’t make sense or if we had words and punctuation in the wrong place. When we finished checking we had 2 more minutes to carry on writing our piece. We checked if we had simple , compound, and complex sentences. Along with capital letters, commas, full stops, a rhetorical question and adverbs. We then wrote down what we need to work on. 

I enjoyed this activity because we got to revise on our ancient Olympic Games knowledge in a fun way.

2 thoughts on “2 words 2 minutes

  1. Greetings Folose,
    your blog about the activity 2 words 2 minutes really got my eye and information is really interesting. How much words did you get the first time and did it increase the second time?

    1. Talofa Mercy!
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. For the first time, I got 42 words. But for the second time, I got 43 words, one more than my first try.
      Hope this helps!

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