L.I: how to calculate squares and square roots of a number.

Square numbers is multiplying the number by itself. To know if it is a square number, you would be able to see an exponent with the number 2. 6, with an exponent of 2 is the same as 6 squared. Meaning you have to multiply 6 by 6. The exponent shows how many times you have to multiply a number by itself.

Square roots is a factor of a number, that when multiplied by itself equals the number. For example the square root of 81 is 9, and 9 is a factor of 81. But it is also the square roots of 81 because 9 x 9 = 81. Another example, “What is the square root of 144?”. To find the square root of 144, you have to find which factor of 144 can be multiplied by itself to get 144. The answer is 12 because it is a factor of 144 and when multiplied by itself it equals 144. The symbol used in square roots is called a radical symbol.

This task was quite interesting because I learnt the similarities between square numbers and roots, and what they are. I also learnt how to identify the answer of both square numbers and roots.

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