Long Division

L.I: To calculate the quotient of whole numbers using short division.

L.I: Carry numbers to the next column if needed.

Long division is a method used in math to divide large numbers. You will need to know your multiplication and subtraction algorithm, to be able to use this method in math. An example of long division would be 54 divided by 2. The symbol that is used in long division is called a division bracket. For example 248 divided by 8. The number being divided goes under the horizontal line. The number that is being divided by goes to the left of the vertical line. First, you see how many times can 8 go into 2. 8 cannot go into 2 because 8 is larger than 2. So you add a 0 above 2. Now you add the 4 making the 2, a 24. Now you see how many times 8 can go into 24. 8 can go into 24, 3 times. The 3 goes beside the 0. Next you do 24 – 24, which is 0. You bring down the 8, and put it beside the 0. Now you see how many times 8 goes into 8. It can go 1 time inside. So your answer is 31. To see if you are correct, you multiply 8 by 31, which is 248.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what long division is and how to use long divsion.