L.I: To make a collage about the Howick Historical Village.

The Howick Historical Village trip, was an amazing experience. I loved all the activities that I participated in. My favourite was the butter making though. When we arrived, it looked as if I time traveled back in time to the 1870’s. Did you know that if you are a female at the age of 12, you should be married by then. We first went around the Village, and explored the houses and school. The houses were quite small, especially for a family of 5. The attic was where the children slept, and the parents slept downstairs. The stairs were steep and dangerous, so we had to be careful. We then moved onto the school. The school looked very strict. We learned that if you went to school in 1870’s, when the teacher walked in, you would have to stand up and sit back down once they reached the front. If you weren’t paying attention, your table would be smacked. While on our tour, we noticed some birds hanging. They are called taxidermy. Taxidermy is an the art of preserving animals by taking out it’s insides, and stuffing it. The next activity was the trolley making. There were wooden blocks and wheels. There were also bolts and nuts. We made our trolleys just by looking at an image. Once our trolleys were made we raced from the starting point to the end. The butter we made was so creamy and soft. To make the butter you have to churn the cream until its the same consistency of butter. We were taught a rhyme “Churn butter, Churn, y/n is waiting at the gate, waiting for some butter cake, Churn butter, Churn.

This activity was interesting because there were some many facts I learned. Like did you know, that if you were a single teacher, in 1870’s, you weren’t allowed to eat ice cream. And you had to come to school 2 hours before it started to clean the floors, start the fire, and prepare the lesson!

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