Moment in Time Planner

L.I: To write a poem that describes as moment in time

To write a Moment in Time Poem, you would need to imagine how you would feel or what you would think if you are in that scenario. But we first went up Maungarei to see what we would feel, see, hear, and what our thoughts would be. This DLO is a plan of how our Maungarei Moment in Time Poem would look like. We used senses such as visual, tactile, and auditory, along with thoughts.

I enjoyed making this poem because I learnt information about Maungarei and was able to use it in a poem.

Copyright and Attribution

Copyright is when you use other people’s videos, images, music and even ideas, without permission. Copyright can also be using someone’s music and not giving them credit. But Attribution is when you use someone’s music, images, ideas or videos with permission, and giving them credit.

This activity was interesting because I now know what Copyright and Attribution means.

Our Whenua

L.I: To connect to the Whenua around PBS (our local area)

For this activity we looked at most of the streets around us. Most of the streets have a definition. For example, Upham Road was named after Charles Hazlitt Upham. He became one of only three people to win the Victoria Cross twice! For what he did in Crete, 1941 and also in Eygpt, 1942. He in the only person to achieve this as a combat soldier. We also did history research about the schools around us. For example “Did you know that Point England was established in 1780s!”.

This activity was  entertaining especially with all that information I got while researching on the internet.

Care Values

L.I: To understand what our CARE Values mean to us.

At Panmure Bridge School, we have CARE Values. These values are Confidence, Attitude, Respect, and Excellence. We got into groups of two and discussed what are some ways to show the Care Values. One of the ways to show Confidence can be having to speak infront of a crowd. Attitude can be having to share your own ideas with other classmates. There are a variety of ways to show our CARE Values, and these are only a few.

I enjoyed this activity because I was able to use the information I learnt and make a DLO explaining how to show the CARE Values.