Abstract Noun Poem

LI: To use metaphors and senses to describe the noun by painting a picture with your words.

We were given a challenge, to write a poem based on an abstract noun. We chose Fury as our word. We had to describe what fury would look, smell, feel, see, and taste like. We also used word hippo to detail the vocabulary of our poem, making it sound more advanced.

What I liked about this activity was that we had to discuss as a group what the 5 senses would be like as fury.

Maungarei Moment in Time Poem

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

This week we wrote moment in time poems. We first got into groups of 4 or 5. We wrote a poem using some of our senses. Also known as Olfactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

This activity was really fun because we had to find some way to connect the present with the past.

Polar Bear Moment in time Poem

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

This week we wrote moment in time poems. We first watched a video of a man getting attacked by a polar bear. But thankfully he was in his protective cage and no harm was caused. We wrote a poem using the 5 senses, and wrote about how we would feel or what we would see, if we were the man in the video. 

This activity was interesting because we used interesting vocabulary using wordhippo.

Sound Focus

Sound Focus: ou as in short u.

Long vowels say the letter name and the short vowel say the letter sound.

Our Sound Focus for this week is ou. To be able to pronounce ou, you will need to say short u, as in the letter sound. Some of the words we went over were touch, courage etc…

This activity was very enjoyable because there were words that could’ve had different spellings like tough as tuff or touch as in tuch.